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ROI (Return On Investment) is perhaps the single most important aspect of any marketing campaign.  It’s something that our clients track regularly, and unfortunately it’s one of the few facets of a campaign that we have no control over.

As an on-line and off-line advertising agency, our job is to design and implement marketing campaigns that place our clients in a position to be successful.  Typically, that means that we get their ads in front of interested buyers at the moment that they are searching for the products and services that our clients are offering.  That holds true whether a potential customer is running a Google search (SEO and SEM) or looking through an old-school yellow pages directory (print advertising).  It’s the same thing; we want searchers to see our client’s ads right when they’re looking to buy.

The problem is that once they see these ads, we have no control over their behavior.  We can’t force them to call the phone number in the Google ad or in the yellow page ad, and we certainly can’t force them to buy from our clients.  If we had that ability, I’d be writing this from my yacht in the South Pacific, and not from my office in Colorado.

Ultimately, the ROI that our clients receive (revenue earned minus revenue spent) is the ultimate litmus test for campaign success.  Fortunately, over the last 24 years we’ve gotten quite good at creating custom marketing campaigns (in both digital and traditional advertising mediums) that put our clients in a position to be successful, and to obtain the ROI they’re looking for.


All of you guys are dirtbags…

“You’re all dirtbags”.  “Everyone in your industry is a crook and a liar”.  “What you guys do doesn’t work”.

Sadly we’ve heard all of these things when prospecting for new clients.  We’ve even heard these things from personal injury lawyers (true story)!  None of these statements are true of course, but they usually come about because business owners have partnered with the wrong marketing agencies for their SEM and SEO campaigns.  They were promised results (typically with unrealistic timeframes) and when they didn’t get them, it soured their take on the entire online advertising industry.  They felt like they’d been taken for the proverbial ride.

As we approach our 23rd year in business this month (virtually unheard of for a digital advertising agency), I wanted to take a few minutes and dispel some of these rumors.  Not everyone in the SEM and SEO industry is a dirtbag.  We’re not all crooks and liars.  And the services we offer do work (very well in fact), provided you partner with the right agency and you have realistic expectations.

The goal of any reputable marketing company is to place their clients in a position to be successful.  That’s it.  It’s not to quintuple a client’s ROI, or bring them tons of new business every month.  Those goals are laudable, but they are not under the agency’s control.  Think about it.  No one can force a customer to do business with someone, even if they see a perfectly formatted and highly-relevant ad at the very top of the search engines.  It just doesn’t work that way.  But getting that perfectly formatted and highly-relevant ad at the very top of Google is precisely what we strive for.

Unfortunately anyone with a shingle and a dream can call themselves a digital marketing agency.  You don’t have to graduate from advertising school or pass the marketing version of the Bar Exam.  And because of that, there are a lot of people out there promising huge results from SEM and SEO campaigns, despite not really knowing what they’re doing.  It’s why we always take time to educate our prospective clients on what it is that they can expect from us, what we control and what we do not control, and the realistic timeframes for success.  None of that guarantees that a client will be happy with their digital marketing campaign, but it does guarantee that they will be well-informed and not misled.

If you’ve tried working with some of the less-than-scrupulous people in this industry, and you’re frustrated with their lack of transparency and lack of results, give us a try.  After all, you don’t stay in a cutthroat industry like ours for 23 years if you don’t know what you’re doing.


best seo company Denver

Maximizing your marketing ROI

Here at DanMatt Media we have many clients.  Some are big, some are small.  Some are located all over the country (and even overseas) and some are in a single state.  Some have big marketing budgets, and some have small ones.  But all of them have one goal, namely to achieve the best ROI possible with whatever marketing investment they are making.

We offer many advertising and marketing services, including SEO (organic search), SEM (paid search), print advertising (including pay per call), and performance-based market research panel and survey recruitment.  There are times when a client can benefit from multiple channels, and times when a single service line is in order.  So how do we go about obtaining the best ROI for our clients?

It starts by listening.  Simply put, we listen to our clients.  We find out their goals, their needs, and their dreams.  What are they really looking for in an advertising agency?  Once we have a good feel for what they need, we find out what they can invest.  We say invest (as opposed to spend) because marketing is really an investment in your company’s future.  Think about it.  The goal of any adverting and marketing campaign, whether online or offline, is to grow brand awareness and bring in new business.  To do that, you have to invest in your organization’s future, and that’s why our clients engage our services.

So now that we know what a client wants, and needs, and what they can reasonably invest in their marketing spend, we go about designing a customized plan to bring them the best ROI possible for their investment.  That may include a combination of multiple advertising channels, and it could be an amalgamation of traditional offline media buying (print, TV, and radio) and online media buying (SEO, SEM, banner, and email marketing).  But the goal is to create a solution that maximizes ROI and exposure, while minimizing risk.

We’re not the only advertising agency in Washington, DC and Denver, Colorado, but we do like to think of ourselves as one of the best.  We take the time to listen to what our clients need, and we have the expertise to help them achieve the best ROI possible for their hard-earned dollars.  And in the end, that’s precisely what our clients are after.