
Have a small business? You need Pay Per Click Marketing…

Small businesses are uniquely qualified to receive a great benefit from a properly designed and executed Pay Per Click campaign. PPC, also know as paid search or Google Ads (you can also run paid search campaigns on Bing Ads) is by far the most important marketing channel for almost ANY small business.

Why PPC is so crucial for your small business

Most people think of Google as a free search engine. Just type in what you’re looking for, and thousands of articles and businesses magically pop up in less than a second. Free of charge. Amazing!

But Google is a for-profit company, just like any other organization, and paid search is where they make their money. Have you ever wondered why the paid ads appear at the very top of the page? Now you know.

And that’s why it’s so crucial to get your small business at the very top of page 1 of Google. It’s where the phone calls, website contact forms, and new leads come from. Yes, SEO and Social Media Marketing have their place, but we look at those channels as secondary or tertiary options. Whenever we speak with a prospective small business owner, we’re always steering them towards PPC first.

A quick primer on how PPC works

Like SEO, paid search campaigns are focused on driving traffic through the use of keywords. Let’s say you’re a divorce attorney in Denver. You’re going to want to appear in those crucial top 3 positions for keyword searches like “divorce attorney”, “family law attorney”, “Denver child custody lawyer”, etc. And you’re going to want to reach everyone in your target area, which in this case is Denver Metro.

When someone sees and clicks on your ad, your budget is dinged for that click. Click prices can vary wildly by industry and keyword, but by and large keyword costs have actually come down over the years. The real success in PPC comes from writing attractive ads and ad extensions, finding the right mix of keywords that target the best prospects given the budget limitations, and creating a plan for the best times and days for those ads to show. That’s critically important, because most small businesses do not have huge marketing budgets. Those investments need to be properly allocated to achieve the best ROI possible.

But can’t I do this on my own?

The short answer is yes, you can. Google has a vested interest in accepting money from anyone who will pay them. Accordingly, you can set up a PPC campaign and start running it immediately. You could also do the electrical work on your home by yourself, or pull your own teeth. None of these things are advisable.

Chances are, as a small business owner you have a lot of your plate. You are an expert in running your business. You know your industry backwards and forwards. What you aren’t an expert in, and what you don’t have time for, is your digital marketing.

At DanMatt Media, we get that. That’s why we’re in business. We’re experts in Pay Per Click marketing, and we know exactly how to structure, design, and execute PPC campaigns for all types of small businesses. We know how to stretch budgets, we take smaller management fees than our competition (thereby putting more of your budget into the campaign, and not into your agency’s pocket), and we pride ourselves on offering the best customer service in the business.

If you’re looking for more customers, give PPC a try today.