iPhone 6

The new iPhone 6; as reviewed by a regular Joe

Having just picked up a new iPhone 6, I thought I might take this opportunity to comment and review Apple’s latest product.  I thought that a review from an everyday guy approaching middle-age might be useful, as opposed to the typical reviews you read from 20 year old geniuses who speak a completely different language than the rest of us.

I’ve been an “Apple guy” for quite some time.  It started about 8 years ago when I traded in my old Sony Vaio laptop for a shiny new Apple iBook.  I had that iBook for about 4 years before trading up for a Macbook Pro, which I still use as my work computer today.  I even have an iPad Air, which comes in quite handy when I travel for business (you know how much legroom the airlines offer in economy class these days).

I had the original iPhone all those years ago, and eventually traded it in for an iPhone 4.  Fast forward some 4 years later and I’m now the owner of the new iPhone 6.  In fact, about 2/3 of our staff uses an iPhone (various models) and about the same percentage of us use Macs for our work computers.

I didn’t have any trouble choosing the iPhone 6 over the 6 Plus.  Both appear absolutely huge to me, but the smaller iPhone 6 still fits in my pants pocket (the 6 Plus is ENORMOUS, and looks like a tablet that has been put on a vegan diet).  The 6 is considerably thinner and lighter than my old iPhone 4, and has a remarkably sharper resolution on the screen.  Battery life and processing speed are similarly impressive, as is the new camera (which I only really use to take pictures of golf courses and my kids).

But to be honest the new iPhone 6 isn’t really that different from the previous models (the 5 and 5S).  Apple Pay is a nice idea, but it isn’t really something that I envision using anytime soon.  The built-in Health app is nice, but it’s a lot of work to upload everything you’ve eaten and all the exercise you did, and who wants to feel worse about that donut you ate at 3 pm while sitting at your desk?  Most of the other features haven’t changed from past iterations.

Is the new iPhone 6 worth the price?  Probably not for a guy like me, who doesn’t get all that excited about the newest and greatest tech gadgets.  Don’t get me wrong.  It’s a nice phone, with a slim design, a lightning fast processer and a great screen.  But it’s bigger than I’d like and costs more than it should.  But would I get it again?  Yeah, sure.  Especially because I tend to hang onto these things for 4+ years.