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The Value of Happy Employees

Advertising, by its very nature, is a customer service oriented industry.  There are many advertising agencies in the world, and all are engaged in fierce competition for their client’s advertising dollars. Here at DanMatt Media we have made customer service the hallmark of our brand.  But it’s impossible to offer our clients great customer service if our employees are unhappy in their jobs. Happy employees are willing to go the extra mile for their clients.  Happy employees don’t watch the clock all day, eagerly anticipating getting out of the office.  Happy employees buy-into the team environment, and are looking to make contributions to their organization, as well as to their individual careers.

Customer service might be dead in the rest of the world, but it’s alive and well at DanMatt Media. At about this point you might be asking how we foster that attitude.  Well, here’s how we do it…

Our employees are treated like adults.  We don’t micro-manage them, and we don’t look over their shoulders while they work.  If they have a personal matter to attend to, they’re free to do it.  We offer perks that many other agencies do not (such as casual dress, free lunches, and enjoyable team-building activities).  In short, we give our employees the freedom to do their jobs.  We trust them implicitly, and we don’t interfere with their creativity or ideas.  All of this leads to happy employees, and by extension, a tremendous commitment to customer service.

Give us a call or send us a website advertising request to see the difference that happy employees can make for your advertising and marketing campaign.